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EPG | WFM: Demand-oriented workforce management – like Fressnapf.


Efficient workforce management is indispensable in logistics to be able to master the requirements that have been becoming more complex for years. Against this background, demand-oriented personnel planning is increasingly coming into focus.

The demand for software solutions is increasing, especially in warehouse logistics. This very personnel-intensive area of logistics requires solutions for demand-oriented planning, control and optimisation of personnel requirements. The Fressnapf Group is no exception: in order to deploy the personnel resources of 15 departments in three logistics centres as efficiently as possible, the company opted for the EPG | WFM workforce management system, which enables demand-oriented planning of staff deployment. Until now, Fressnapf has used a department-based solution for workforce planning - the actual need for employees could only be determined with a great deal of effort. The order volume was also not included in the planning.

Christoph Mohr, Head of Logistics Efficiency Fressnapf Logistik GmbH:»The use of the integrated WFM solution digitalises the planning and the associated communication of our teams. In this way, we increase efficiency and at the same time can better respond to the needs of our employees«.

Read all about the use of the workforce management system EPG | WFM at Fressnapf here:

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